Beloved, I wish above all things that thou in health,.. 3 John 1:2

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Blueberry Big 8

"Below are 8 reasons to consume blueberries daily:

Improving memory/motor function - One study found that older adults (average age 76) fed blueberries daily for 12 weeks (2-2.5
cups per day) performed better on two different cognitive function tests, which included memory, than those who hadn't consumed the superfood.

Eye protection - Blueberries have been proven to protect the retina from unwanted sunlight and oxygen damage.

Heart - Consuming blueberries significantly lowers your risk of developing heart disease by regulating and relaxing arterial elasticity in the vascular wall. They also improve blood flow.

Reduces risk of Alzheimer's disease/dementia - Anthocyanin improves memory and mental fluidity, and can help protect against brain cell loss. Blueberries also stimulate nerve cell growth and facilitate better communication between nerve cell processes, in turn slowing the aging process.

Digestion - Blueberries offer antioxidant protection of the digestive tract by combating free radicals, some of which can cause cancer.
This superfood plays a significant role in combating colon cancer.

Protection from toxic heavy metals - Romanian chemists from the University of Bucharest discovered that blueberries protect against heavy metals. Blueberry extract created a force field that acted as a barrier against cadmium, protecting cells from toxic heavy metal damage.

Blood sugar - Blueberries have a favorable impact on blood sugar, even for diabetics. Those who consumed at least three servings of blueberries a day saw significant improvement in their regulation of blood sugar.

Nervous system - Blueberries contain a range of different antioxidants, all of which are beneficial to the human body. This range of nutrients provides nerve cells with protection from oxygen damage. Nerve cells are persistently at risk for oxygen damage, thus requiring continuous protection.

Blueberries are one of our body's greatest allies. 
Their ability to eliminate free radicals protects us from every day exposure to various forms of pollution, including pesticides, sun exposure and heavy metals.
The United States is responsible for the world's supply of blueberries, growing 84 percent of the superfood." 
Suzanne from Maritime 2nd Advent Believers

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